Work is better together

Hey, we're Marginal, a thoughtful way to connect with the folks you work with. Think of it as a way to deepen relationships with your coworkers through collaborative discussions and reflection on useful content from our curated library.

Personal connections matter

We spend a lot of time at work, but can often feel alone even in an office full of coworkers. We experience this in awkward lunch conversations, or when we're unable to communicate an important trade-off to a teammate, or with a revolving-door of new team members. Without some personal connection to the people around us, we begin to feel stagnant and unfulfilled.

We don't need our colleagues to be our close friends, but having deeper relationships is the difference between feeling stymied and knowing how to work together toward a goal. A deeper relationship yields the ability to know when someone is down and pick them back up, to compromise on a tough decision, or to work together to improve your environment. Deeper relationships allow for more of you to show up at work.

Marginal facilitates discussions that uncover the quirks and preferences, strengths and weaknesses of the folks in your office. It reveals common interests and shared experiences through conversations on useful topics, and helps you feel more comfortable around the people with whom you spend your workweeks.

Meaningful relationships require effort

We've played "two truths and a lie," filled out our DISC profile, and participated in many a Zoom happy hour. The novelty is fun, and we've enjoyed seeing my coworkers various pets and Halloween costumes - but that is often as far as it goes. Building a meaningful relationship requires action, honesty, and vulnerability. It requires the chance to connect as a human to the other humans in your office.

We know that technology does not automatically solve nuanced human problems, but we think that it can provide opportunities to engage deeply with the people around us. It can be a platform, or a reminder, or even an excuse to spend time reaching out to the folks that we'd otherwise only send status updates. Building a relationship requires that when we do so it with intention rather than await happenstance, and that it be with something substantive.

It's hard to get past the small talk, which is why Marginal provides a curated library of material that sparks thoughtful conversation. Marginal encourages preparation for its weekly discussions so that connecting with your coworkers stays on your mind - and on your calendar.

We grow a little bit at a time

It takes time to get to know someone. It takes time to become comfortable enough to allow yourself to be known by others. The cultivation of good professional relationships is a skill, and as with any skill we become just a little bit better at it each time we practice. It's the sustained effort each week that results in real relationships with the folks you work alongside.

Marginal cannot do the work for you, but it does have tools that make it easier to stick around for the long haul. We take care of scheduling and logistics so that you can focus on engaging with your teammates. Marginal also encourages active reflection so that you can check-in with your progress. If you're willing to put in the effort, we're here to help - one conversation at a time.

Ready to start having real conversations at work? Start your free trial today.

So if you'd like to get to know the humans - not just the Slack avatars - that you work with, or if any of our notes resonated with you, sign up below and we'll let you know when Marginal is ready for you.

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